
Hi! My name is Claire. I'm a Canadian citizen - I grew up in Vancouver, BC, moved to LA, and now I am currently living in Tucson, Arizona! OKAY LET'S CUT TO THE CHASE HERE AND GET TO KNOW ME ALREADY:
I ate my own poop coming out of the womb. #Sh*tFaced
One time I shat my pants when I was old enough not to.
My favourite TV show is Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job. I dabble in the Drag King life.
I had my Disneyland AP prior to being a Californian resident.
I have spent more money on Christmas than education.
I love waving at babies. Especially when they start crying.
When I have to do my laundry it does not spark joy.
I participate in the kitchen.
My favourite TV show is Parks and Recreation.
One beauty product I can't live without is my toothbrush.
I have copy-written the autobiography title, "I'm Great".
I will eat any kind of pasta that is placed in front of me.
My first concert was for "Weird Al" Yankovic.
I believe the only gum flavour that should exist is mint.
I have played Cards Against Humanity with Al Pacino.
I believe in God.
I have all my teeth. No further questions, please.
My favourite TV show is Friends.

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